I grew up bass fishing and pheasant hunting in Nebraska. In 1995, just out of college, I borrowed a recurve bow and a quiver of arrows from a friend, stood ten-feet off the ground in the crook of an old oak tree, and watched six does walk eight-feet directly below me. My heart pounded like a jackhammer. I was hooked! Since that day, I’ve bow-hunted mule deer in Oregon, antelope in Montana, elk in New Mexico, and grizzly and black bear in Alaska.
I also enjoy writing. I’ve published a few books (Man on the Run, In Pursuit: Devotions for Hunters and Fishermen, The Wild Man, & Wild Mountain Tribe) and have enjoyed contributing to several outdoor magazines, including Field & Stream, Deer & Deer Hunting, Petersen’s Bowhunting, Bowhunting World, Bow & Arrow Hunting, and Bowhunter. In addition to writing, I pastor a church in central Nebraska (Heartland EFC), and do a bit of outdoor speaking on the side.
My family means the world to me. I’ve been married to Jaime since 1997, and we have three children who love the outdoors as much as we do.
To sum it up, I like wild places. I want to go further and deeper than the crowds; it’s in these remote, if not untraveled, spots that I expect to catch the oldest trout, shoot the wisest buck, and find the adventure that keeps me pushing hard.
Outdoor goals for 2021:
• Park, camp, and fly-fish trip to WY in April.
• Park, camp, fly-fish trip through WY, MT, and ID in July.
• I’m hoping to do a similar trip to MT or WY in the fall to bow hunt either elk, mule deer, and antelope.
• Lord-willing, the fall will be packed with a lot of bowhunting whitetails and hunting ducks and geese in NE.